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Ist der Einsatz von Drohnen für Immobilien im Jahr 2024 rentabel?

von: Richard J. Gross
Aktualisiert am: 30. Oktober 2022

Drones are becoming more and more popular, and many people are wondering if they can use them for real estate purposes. The answer is yes, you can use a drone for real estate photography and videography, but there are some things you need to know before you get started.

In diesem Artikel werden die Grundlagen des Einsatzes von Drohnen in der Immobilienbranche erörtert und Tipps gegeben, wie Sie das Beste aus Ihren Drohnenaufnahmen herausholen können.

Using a Drone for Real Estate Photography

Using Drones For Real Estate

When it comes to using a drone for real estate photography, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you will need to get permission from the property owner before you start filming. Additionally, you will need to follow the FAA’s rules and regulations for drone use.

Once you have obtained permission from the property owner and are following the FAA’s rules, you can do a few things to get the most out of your drone footage. For starters, make sure to plan your shots ahead of time and be aware of your surroundings. You don’t want to fly your drone into a power line or have it fly away while you are filming.

Also, keep in mind the perspective you are filming from. Try to film from different angles and use different shots to capture the property in its entirety. Remember, you are trying to show the potential buyer what the property looks like, so make sure to capture all of its features.

Obtain a Part 107 license

Using Drones For Real Estate

If you want to use a drone for real estate videography, you will need to obtain a Part 107 license from the FAA. This license allows you to fly a drone for commercial purposes and is required if you plan to make money with your drone footage.

You will need to do a few things to get your Part 107 license.

  • First, you will need to pass the FAA’s Part 107 knowledge test. You can find more information about this test on the FAA’s website.
  • Once you have passed the test, you will need to complete a safety course. There are a few different providers of this course, and you can find a list of them on the FAA’s website.
  • After you have completed the safety course, you will need to apply to the FAA. This application can be found on the FAA’s website.
  • Once your application has been approved, you will need to pay the $5 fee and receive your drone operator certificate. After you have received your certificate, you are free to start flying your Drohne für kommerzielle Zwecke.

Drone footage can be a great way to show potential buyers what a property looks like from a bird’s-eye view. If you are using a drone for real estate purposes, make sure to follow the FAA’s rules and regulations and to plan your shots ahead of time. By doing so, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your drone footage.

What kind of camera does your drone have?

Using Drones For Real Estate

When choosing a drone for real estate purposes, it is important to choose one that has a good camera. This will ensure that you can get clear, high-quality footage of the property.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you are getting the most out of your drone’s camera.

  • First, make sure to adjust the camera’s settings according to the lighting conditions. If it is sunny outside, you will need to adjust the camera’s exposure so that the footage is not too bright or too dark.
  • Also, make sure to use the right lens for the job. If you are shooting a wide shot of a property, you will need a wide-angle lens. If you are shooting a close-up of a property, you will need a telephoto lens.

Using a drone with a good camera can capture beautiful footage of the property from any angle. Adjust the camera’s settings and use the right lens for the job to ensure you get the best possible footage.

Local laws for drone flight over private property

Using Drones For Real Estate

Even if you are FAA certified, some local laws may prohibit you from flying a drone over private property. Make sure to check with your local law enforcement agency to see if there are any restrictions on drone flights in your area.

If you are unable to fly your drone over private property, there are a few things you can do to get the footage you need. You can try to get permission from the property owner to fly your drone on their property. Or, you can find a public area near the property where you are filming and fly your drone there.

By checking with your local law enforcement agency, you can make sure that you are following all of the rules and regulations for drone flights in your area. This will help to ensure that you stay safe and avoid any legal issues.

Indoor drone flying capabilities

Using Drones For Real Estate

If you are using a drone for real estate purposes, there may be times when you need to fly your drone indoors. This can be tricky, as indoor flying can be difficult and dangerous.

There are a few things you can do to make sure that your indoor drone flights go smoothly. First, make sure to practice flying your drone indoors before you start filming. This will help you to get used to the drone’s controls and to learn how to fly in tight spaces.

Also, make sure that you are aware of your drone’s limitations. Not all drones can fly indoors, so make sure to check the specifications of your drone before attempting any indoor flights.

By practicing flying your drone indoors and knowing your drone’s limitations, you can ensure that your indoor flights go smoothly and safely.

Post-processing abilities

Using Drones For Real Estate

Even if you get great footage while flying your drone, you may need to edit the footage to make it look its best. This can be a time-consuming process, but it is worth it to get a great final product.

You can do a few things to make the post-processing process go more smoothly. First, make sure to organize your footage before editing it. This will make it easier to find the shots you need and put them together in a cohesive video.

Also, make sure to use the right software for the job. There are a variety of software options available, so find one that fits your needs and your budget.

Organizing your footage and using the right software can make the post-processing process go more smoothly. This will help to ensure that you get a great final product.

Do you carry liability insurance?

Using Drones For Real Estate

If you are using a drone for real estate purposes, it is important to have liability insurance. This will protect you if something goes wrong while you are flying your drone.

You can do a few things to find the right liability insurance for your needs. First, shop around and compare rates from different providers. Also, make sure to read the terms and conditions of each policy carefully.

By shopping around and reading the terms and conditions of different policies, you can find the right liability insurance for your needs. This will help to protect you if something goes wrong while you are flying your drone.


This article can be concluded by saying that, as long as you have the proper certification, there are many different ways that you can use your drone for real estate purposes.

Whether it be taking photos or videos of properties, surveying land, or even delivering packages, drones have opened up a whole new world of possibilities for the real estate industry. So if you’re looking to get into the Drohnengeschäft, there’s no better time than now.

One final note always checks with your local laws and regulations before using your drone for any commercial purposes, as these laws are constantly changing, and you don’t want to get caught on the wrong side of them. Happy flying!

Richard J. Gross

Hallo, mein Name ist Richard J. Gross und ich bin Vollzeit-Airbus-Pilot und Inhaber eines kommerziellen Drohnengeschäfts. Ich habe 2015 mit Drohnen angefangen, als ich anfing, Luftaufnahmen für Immobilienunternehmen zu machen. Damals hatte ich keine Ahnung, worauf ich mich einließ, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die Polizei auf mich aufmerksam wurde, kurz nachdem ich mit dem Fliegen begonnen hatte. Sie wollten nicht, dass ich mit meiner Drohne in der Nähe von Menschen fliege, also baten sie mich, ihre Beamten in den Regeln und Vorschriften für Drohnen zu schulen. Daraufhin beschloss ich, mein eigenes Drohnenunternehmen zu gründen und andere über den sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Drohnen zu unterrichten.

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