Categoría: Guía del piloto de drones

Hola, me llamo Richard J. Gross y soy piloto de Airbus a tiempo completo y propietario de un negocio de drones comerciales. Me inicié en el mundo de los drones en 2015, cuando empecé a hacer fotografía aérea para empresas inmobiliarias. En aquel momento no tenía ni idea de dónde me estaba metiendo, pero resulta que llamaron a la policía poco después de empezar a volar. No les gustaba que volara con mi dron cerca de la gente, así que me pidieron que fuera a formar a sus agentes sobre las normas y regulaciones de los drones. Después de eso, decidí montar mi propio negocio de drones y enseñar a otros el uso seguro y responsable de los drones.
Aquí están los resultados.
enero 28, 2023
Todas las leyes sobre drones en Austria (actualizado en 2024)

Los drones son cada vez más habituales en los cielos de Austria. Las grandes ciudades, como Viena y Salzburgo, han visto últimamente una explosión de vuelos con drones. Muchos viajeros recreativos utilizan drones para explorar la naturaleza a vista de pájaro. Para los operadores comerciales, los drones han creado más oportunidades profesionales para la fotografía y videografía, la construcción y la ingeniería […]

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enero 8, 2023
¿Es inevitable la exención para volar drones en el espacio aéreo controlado?

There have been a lot of discussions lately about waivers to fly drones in controlled airspace. Some people believe that they are no longer necessary, while others think they are more important than ever. In this blog post, we will explore both sides of the argument and conclude whether or not waiver requirements should still […]

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enero 7, 2023
¿Qué es el estado del anillo de vórtice? ¿Cómo prevenirlo? (2024 actualizado)

Have you ever heard of the Vortex Ring State? If you haven’t, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In fact, until recently, this phenomenon was relatively unknown, even to experienced drone pilots. But that’s all changing now, as the Vortex Ring State is becoming more and more understood. And as drones become increasingly popular, pilots […]

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enero 7, 2023
Todas las nuevas leyes sobre drones en Kansas (actualizadas a 2024)

As technology rapidly evolves, drones are becoming increasingly commonplace in Kansas. From farmers utilizing their aerial capabilities to survey crop health and monitor large tracts of land to tech startups that use them to capture beautiful footage for movies and commercials. One thing is sure: drones are here, changing how we experience the state. From […]

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enero 6, 2023
Todas las leyes sobre drones en el Reino Unido (2023 actualizado)

Drone technology is quickly becoming an integral part of everyday life in the United Kingdom. From medical aid delivery to construction surveying, drones offer a unique way of carrying out tasks that would have been impossible just a few years ago. Recently, the UK has become increasingly open to using drones in industry and society. […]

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enero 6, 2023
Leyes de drones en España: Todo Lo Que Necesita Saber (2023 Actualizado)

Los drones son cada vez más populares en España. Se están utilizando para una variedad de propósitos, como entrega, fotografía e incluso agricultura. Hay algunas cosas a tener en cuenta si quieres usar un dron en España. Debe conocer las reglas y regulaciones que rodean a los drones. […]

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enero 6, 2023
Todas las nuevas leyes sobre drones en Haití (actualizadas a 2024)

Drones are the newest technological invention to revolutionize how we approach aid work in Haiti. With drones, humanitarian organizations can bypass any potential roadblocks and deliver supplies directly to those in need. Not only that, but they also have the capacity to monitor areas of high concentration and collect data on population movement, water sources, […]

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enero 6, 2023
Todas las leyes sobre drones en Connecticut (actualizado en 2024)

In recent years, drones have become increasingly popular, both as a recreational hobby and as a tool for businesses and government agencies. In the state of Connecticut, drones are regulated by both federal and state laws. Under federal law, drones must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, and operators must adhere to strict rules […]

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enero 5, 2023
All Drone Laws in South Dakota (2024 Updated)

In South Dakota, drones are being used to help with a variety of tasks. From monitoring crops and livestock to providing surveillance and mapping services, these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are revolutionizing how people work in the state. With improved safety capabilities, increased efficiency, and better accuracy than traditional methods, drones are becoming increasingly popular […]

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enero 5, 2023
Leyes de drones en Dakota del Norte (actualizado a 2024)

Drones have become a booming industry in North Dakota, and their presence is quickly becoming normal. These autonomous machines are not just used for military operations but can certainly accomplish that. Drones have also been used for other civilian pursuits such as agriculture, disaster relief, structural inspections, and surveying large tracts of land. Their popularity […]

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