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Законы о дронах в Айдахо (обновлено в 2023 году): Правила и положения

По: Ричард Дж. Гросс
Обновлено: 3 января 2023 г.

In the state of Idaho, there are laws governing the использование беспилотников or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These laws are designed to protect the privacy of citizens and to ensure that drones are operated in a safe and responsible manner.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

In addition, all drone operators must adhere to basic safety rules, such as maintaining a safe distance from people and property. Violation of Idaho’s drone laws can result in serious troubles.

As drones become more and more popular, it’s important for people to understand the laws surrounding them. In this blog post, we will discuss the drone laws in Idaho and all the rules and regulations that come with them. We will also provide some tips on how to stay safe when flying your drone in this state.

Are drones legal in Idaho?

In Idaho, drones are legal as long as they are flown in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations. This means that drones must be kept within the operator’s line of sight at all times, and they are not allowed to fly over people or animals.

In addition, drones are not allowed to fly within five miles of an airport without prior approval from the airport authority. There are a few restrictions in place, such as not being able to fly near airports or large crowds, but overall you are free to fly your drone around the state. Just be sure to check the local laws before flying in any given area.

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General Drone Rules to Follow in Idaho (2024)

Drones are defined as unmanned aircraft or spacecraft. In Idaho, there are a few different laws that apply to drones and how they can be used. 

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо
  • All drone operators must adhere to basic safety rules, such as maintaining a safe distance from people and property.
  • Drones may not be operated in a careless or reckless manner.
  • Drones may not be operated in a manner that endangers the life or property of others.
  • Drones must yield the right of way to manned aircraft.
  • Drone operators must maintain visual contact with their drones at all times.
  • The use of drones for hunting is prohibited.
  • Чтобы управлять дроном, вам должно быть не менее 16 лет.
  • You will also need to register your drone with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  • Вам будет присвоен регистрационный номер, который затем необходимо будет отметить на своем дроне.
  • In addition to registering your drone, you must also obtain a remote pilot license from the FAA if you plan to fly commercially.
  • Вы должны соблюдать правила контролируемого воздушного пространства.
  • Дронам не разрешается летать на расстоянии более 400 футов контролируемого воздушного пространства.
  • Им также разрешено летать только в светлое время суток.
  • Операторам следует всегда держаться на расстоянии от аэропортов, военных баз и чувствительных зон.
  • Дроны всегда должны находиться на прямой видимости (VLOS). Это означает, что оператор должен всегда иметь возможность видеть дрон.
  • Дронами нельзя управлять под воздействием наркотиков или алкоголя.

Flying a drone is a great responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations before taking to the skies.

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Penalties for Breaking Drone Laws in Idaho

If you break any of the above-mentioned laws, you could be subject to a number of penalties.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

Конфискация дрона

If you are found to be in violation of these laws, your drone may be confiscated by law enforcement. In general, you should avoid flying your drone near airports or other heavily trafficked areas.


There are several laws in place regarding the использование беспилотников in Idaho. If you break any of these laws, you may be subject to fines and other penalties.

For example, flying a drone near an airport or other restricted airspace is illegal. It is also against the law to operate a drone in a way that endangers people or property. You could be fined if you are caught breaking these or other drone laws.

Тюремное время

In some cases, you may even be facing jail time for breaking drone laws. It is important to note that these are just the general penalties associated with breaking drone laws. More serious offenses could result in even more severe consequences.

Аннулирование лицензии

In extreme cases, the FAA may even revoke your remote pilot license. This can happen if you repeatedly violate drone laws or if you use your drone in a way that endangers the safety of others. So if you want to keep your license, it’s important to obey all drone regulations and to fly responsibly.

Читайте также: Все законы о дронах в Висконсине: правила, штрафы

Федеральное управление гражданской авиации (FAA)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the main governing body when it comes to drones. They are responsible for setting the rules and regulations surrounding drones.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

The FAA regulates drones in order to ensure the safety of pilots and the general public. There are several rules that drone pilots must follow, such as flying only during daylight hours and keeping the drone within sight at all times. Pilots must also avoid flying near airports or other areas where aircraft are present.

The FAA is constantly working on updating its rules and regulations surrounding drones in order to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology.

Despite the fact that the FAA is the primary governing body when it comes to drones, there are also several other organizations that play a role in regulating these devices. 

FAA’s Part 107 Regulation

FAA’s Part 107 is a set of rules that apply to the commercial use of drones or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The rules apply to all drone pilots flying for commercial or business purposes.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

These rules cover a wide range of topics, including registration and marking requirements, operator certification, and flight restrictions.

Part 107 also imposes limits on the maximum altitude and speed at which a drone can be operated, as well as the minimum safe distance from people and property.

To operate a drone under Part 107, pilots must be at least 16 years old and have a valid remote pilot’s license. They must also pass a written exam administered by the FAA.

Once they have obtained their Part 107 certification, pilots can fly drones for a variety of commercial and business purposes, including photography, real estate inspections, and crop mapping. However, there are some restrictions on where and how drones can be flown.

Лицензия дистанционного пилота

Для того, чтобы эксплуатировать drone for commercial or business purposes, you must have a remote pilot license. This license can be obtained by passing an FAA-administered written exam.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

Once you have obtained your remote pilot license, you can fly drones for various commercial and business purposes. This license is valid for two years and can be renewed for an additional two years.

Дистанционный пилотный экзамен

The remote pilot exam is a written examination administered by the FAA. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including aviation regulations, weather, and drone operation.

To pass the exam, you must have a thorough understanding of these topics. The exam is multiple-choice and consists of a number of questions.

Регистрация вашего дрона в FAA

All drones must be registered with the FAA. To register your drone, you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid id. You will also need to provide your name, mailing address, and credit card information.

Законы о беспилотниках в Айдахо

Once you have registered your drone, you will be issued a registration number. This number must be displayed on your drone at all times.

The best way to display the registration number is to attach it to the outside of the drone using permanent markers. The registration is valid for three years and can be renewed for an additional three years.

Комиссия БАС

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Commission (UAS) is responsible for developing regulations for the use of unmanned aircraft in the US. The commission is made up of representatives from the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Transportation.

The regulations developed by the commission are designed to ensure the safe operation of unmanned aircraft in Minnesota airspace. The commission also works with law enforcement agencies to investigate reports of unsafe or illegal use of unmanned aircraft.

In addition, the UAS Commission provides training and education on the safe and legal use of unmanned aircraft.

Читайте также: Обновленные законы о беспилотниках в Южной Африке


Overall, drones are legal in Idaho as long as they are flown in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations. There are a few restrictions in place, such as not being able to fly near airports or large crowds, but overall you are free to fly your drone around the state.

Just be sure to check the local laws before flying in any given area. As long as you follow these guidelines, you should be able to use your drone for any purpose without any issues. Hope this article was helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Ричард Дж. Гросс

Привет, меня зовут Ричард Дж. Гросс, я постоянный пилот Airbus и владелец коммерческого бизнеса по производству беспилотников. Я увлекся дронами в 2015 году, когда начал заниматься аэрофотосъемкой для компаний, занимающихся недвижимостью. В то время я понятия не имел, во что ввязываюсь, но оказалось, что вскоре после того, как я начал летать, на меня вызвали полицию. Им не понравилось, что я летаю на своем дроне рядом с людьми, поэтому они попросили меня приехать и обучить их сотрудников правилам и нормам для дронов. После этого я решил открыть свой собственный бизнес по производству дронов и обучать других безопасному и ответственному использованию дронов.

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