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Новые законы о дронах в Мэриленде, наказание, регистрация (2023 г.)

По: Ричард Дж. Гросс
Обновлено: 31 декабря 2022 г.

Drones are becoming increasingly popular, and more and more people are purchasing them for personal use. However, there are a lot of laws surrounding drones that many people don’t know about.

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде

In this blog post, we will be discussing the drone laws in Maryland. We will cover what you can and can’t do with a drone in Maryland and give tips on staying safe when flying a drone.

Drones are subject to the same rules and regulations as any other aircraft in Maryland. This means that you must fly your drone in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) rules and regulations.

You also cannot fly your drone in a way that endangers the safety of others. If you do not follow these rules. So if you’re interested in learning more about drone Laws in Maryland, go through this article completely.

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General Rules and Regulations to Follow in Maryland (2024)

There are a few general rules and regulations that all drone pilots should keep in mind, regardless of where they are flying. Here are some rules listed below :

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде
  • Drones Must be Registered with the FAA.
  • Operators must have a remote pilot’s license.
  • You must be at least 16 years old.
  • Do not fly above 400 feet of controlled airspace.
  • Drones should not fly near airports, military bases, and other sensitive areas.
  • Keep your drone within sight at all times.
  • Do not fly near crowded places or private property without permission.
  • Drones are only allowed to fly during the day.
  • Be aware of the weather conditions. Avoid flying in fog, rain, or other adverse weather conditions.
  • Drones must yield way to manned aircraft.
  • Не управляйте дроном под воздействием наркотиков и алкоголя.
  • Не мешайте работе экстренных служб и правоохранительных органов.
  • Drones are not allowed to fly near Government and federal offices
  • Drones are not allowed to fly near prisons and correction facilities.
  • Flights over stadiums and sporting events are not allowed without permission.

These were some general rules one must remember before flying a drone. Remember that these rules are subject to change at any time, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest drone regulations.

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Punishments for Violating Drone Rules in Maryland

The penalties for violating drone rules can vary depending on the severity of the offense and the jurisdiction in which it occurred. In general. However, the punishments for breaking drone laws can range from a warning to a hefty fine or even jail time. Some of the more common penalties for violating drone rules include the following:

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде

Аннулирование лицензии

The most common penalty for violating drone rules is the cancellation of your remote pilot license. This means that you will no longer be allowed to operate a drone.


Another common penalty for breaking drone laws is fine. The amount of the fine will vary depending on the offense, but it can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Тюремное время

In some cases, violators of drone laws may be sentenced to jail time. The length of the jail sentence will depend on the severity of the offense and the jurisdiction in which it occurred.

Seizure of drones

Authorities may even seize your drone if you are found to be in violation of the law. This can be a costly penalty, as drones can cost you several thousand dollars. If you’re thinking about flying a drone, make sure you understand the laws and regulations governing drone use in your area.

Уголовные обвинения

Criminal penalties are imposed by law enforcement and can include jail time, probation, and community service. In some cases, violators may also have to pay restitution for any damage they caused. 

These are some of the more common penalties for violating drone rules. Remember that these penalties are subject to change at any time, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest drone regulations.

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The Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA)

Федеральное авиационное управление (англ.FAA) is the government agency responsible for regulating drone use in the United States. The FAA requires all drones to be registered, and they have strict guidelines about where and how drones can be flown.

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде

For instance, drones are not allowed to fly within five miles of an airport and must stay below 400 feet in altitude. In addition, drones are not allowed to fly over crowds of people or in restricted airspace.

These regulations are designed to keep both pilots and bystanders safe. Violators can face significant fines and, in some cases, jail time. As the popularity of drones continues to grow, the FAA is likely to revise its regulations.

For now, however, anyone operating a drone in the United States must adhere to the FAA’s strict guidelines.

Часть 107 ФАУ

The Federal Aviation Administration’s Part 107 is the set of rules that govern the operation of drones in the United States. While these rules are relatively simple and easy to follow, they are still very important.

Part 107 covers everything from registration and marking requirements to airspace restrictions and operating limitations. Failure to comply with these rules can result in serious penalties, including fines and jail time.

Additionally, it is important to remember that drones are subject to the same rules as manned aircraft. This means that they must yield the right of way to other aircraft and are not allowed to fly in prohibited or restricted areas.

By understanding and following the rules of Part 107, drone operators can help to keep the skies safe for everyone.

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Сертификация удаленного пилота

Before you can legally operate a drone for commercial purposes in the United States, you must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The process to obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate is not especially difficult, but there are a few steps that you will need to complete. First, you will need to pass an aeronautical knowledge test at an FAA-approved testing center.

Once you have passed the test, you will need to submit an application to the FAA. The application process includes a background check, and you will need to provide proof of your aeronautical knowledge.

Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a Remote Pilot Certificate. With this certificate, you will be able to legally operate a drone for commercial purposes in the United States.

The FAA’s remote pilot license is valid for two years. After that, you will need to renew your license by taking the aeronautical knowledge test again.

You will also need to submit a new application, which includes a background check. The process to renew your remote pilot license is not as difficult as the initial application process, but it is still important to follow the steps laid out by the FAA.

Remote Pilot Certification Exam

To get your Remote Pilot Certification, you will need to pass an aeronautical knowledge test at an FAA-approved testing center. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including airspace rules, weather patterns, and drone operating procedures.

You can prepare for the exam by studying the FAA’s study guides and taking practice tests. It is also a good idea to have a solid understanding of the drone regulations in your area.

By studying for the exam and familiarizing yourself with the drone regulations, you will be well on your way to getting your Remote Pilot Certification.

The process of getting your remote pilot license can seem daunting at first, but it is actually quite simple if you follow the steps laid out by the FAA.

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Registering Your Drone With the FAA

All drones that are operated in the United States must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The registration process is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде

You will need to provide your name, address, and email address. You will also need to provide the make and model of your drone. Once you have completed the registration process, you will be issued a registration number that must be displayed on your drone.

The registration fee is $5, and it is valid for three years. This means that you will need to renew your registration every three years. Failure to register your drone can result in significant penalties, including fines and jail time.

Комиссия БАС

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Commission (UAS) was created to advise the FAA on the integration of UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS).

The commission is composed of members, including representatives from the aviation industry, government, and academia. The commission is made up of representatives from the aviation industry, government agencies, and the drone community. The commission’s goal is to promote safety and responsible drone use.

The UAS Commission meets on a regular basis to discuss issues related to drone safety. They also work with law enforcement to investigate incidents involving drones. By working together, the UAS Commission and law enforcement can help to keep the skies safe for everyone.

No Drone Zone in Maryland

A no-drone zone is an area where the use of drones is restricted or prohibited. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as safety, security, or privacy concerns.

Законы о дронах в Мэриленде

No drone zones are typically clearly marked and well-publicized so that people are aware of the restrictions before they enter the area. Failure to comply with the rules of a no-drone zone can result in serious penalties, such as a fine or imprisonment.

In some cases, drones may also be seized by authorities. No drone zones are becoming increasingly common as the popularity of drones grows.

So far, they have been established in a number of locations around the world, including national parks, airports, and near sensitive government buildings.

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Как узнать о запретных зонах для беспилотников?

The best way to know about no drone zones is to consult your local laws and regulations. In the United States, the FAA has published a map of restricted airspace. This map includes areas where drones are not allowed, such as near airports and military bases.

You can also find no-drone zone information on the government entity’s website that manages the area you want to fly in. For example, many national parks have their own rules for drones.

Приложение B4UFLY

The B4UFLY app is an FAA-approved smartphone application that helps drone pilots know where it is safe to fly. The app provides users with information on Temporary Flight Restrictions or TFRs.

TFRs are areas where the use of drones is restricted due to safety or security concerns. The app also includes a feature that allows users to set up alerts so they will be notified if a TFR is put in place near their location.


Maryland is a great state for drone enthusiasts. There are plenty of places to fly, and the state has its own set of drone laws that you need to be aware of.

When flying your drone in Maryland, always check for any no-drone zones that may be in effect, and ensure you follow all of the FAA’s rules and regulations.

Doing so can ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience while flying your drone. We hope this blog post has been informative and has helped you to understand the drone laws in Maryland. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments.

Ричард Дж. Гросс

Привет, меня зовут Ричард Дж. Гросс, я постоянный пилот Airbus и владелец коммерческого бизнеса по производству беспилотников. Я увлекся дронами в 2015 году, когда начал заниматься аэрофотосъемкой для компаний, занимающихся недвижимостью. В то время я понятия не имел, во что ввязываюсь, но оказалось, что вскоре после того, как я начал летать, на меня вызвали полицию. Им не понравилось, что я летаю на своем дроне рядом с людьми, поэтому они попросили меня приехать и обучить их сотрудников правилам и нормам для дронов. После этого я решил открыть свой собственный бизнес по производству дронов и обучать других безопасному и ответственному использованию дронов.

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