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Holy Stone F181W: подробное описание функций и производительности

По: Ричард Дж. Гросс
Обновлено: 12 января 2024 г.

As I delve into the captivating world of беспилотники, one model that distinctly stands out for me is the Holy Stone F181W. This compact flying machine packs an incredible array of features that not only make it an exceptional ‘eye in the sky,’ but also a great drone to start with for beginners and children.

With its futuristic appeal and industry-leading innovation, the Holy Stone F181W is becoming a popular choice among drone enthusiasts of all levels.

The idea behind this blog post is to present an in-depth review of the Holy Stone F181W – highlighting everything from its design and camera quality to flight performance, safety features, and more.

Additionally, I will be sharing my personal experiences while interacting with this amazing gadget—a perfect blend of technology and fun! Stay glued as I unravel some lesser-known facts about this reliable aerial platform.

What You’ll Gain from this Article

  • An in-depth understanding of the top features offered by HS F181W
  • Insights on photo/video quality it provides
  • Battery life analysis of Holy Stony HS F181W
  • Real-life flight performance
  • Tips & tricks for handling your new drone effectively

Unveiling the Holy Stone F181W Review

As a kid, I always dreamt of flying my aircraft and soaring through the bright blue sky. Now, as an adult, I’ve found the next best thing—drone piloting. As a self-proclaimed drone connoisseur, the thrill of controlling these gadgets resembles those childhood dreams as closely as possible.

Unveiling the Holy Stone F181W Review

Holy Stone F181W is one such gadget that is nothing short of a technological marvel in today’s booming drone industry. In this Holy Stone F181W review, I will break down every tiny detail and provide an honest opinion on this hot market player.

Более пристальный взгляд на характеристики

The following table breaks down the Holy Stone F181W drone’s key specifications:

Вес163g/5.7 OZ
Размеры305 x 305 x 105 mm
Время полета10 минут
Время зарядки60-90 Minutes
Расстояние от первого лица230 feet
Расстояние полета328 футов
Частота камеры2.4 GHz
ОбъективУгол обзора 120°
Разрешение видео/фотоHD 1920 x 1080P
Аккумулятор7.6V Li-Po 1500 mAh
Remote Control TypeGame controller-style with AA batteries
Диапазон управления50-100 meters

Holy Stone F181W Specifications

When I first unboxed the Holy Stone F181W, I was impressed by the hefty list of technical features and specs. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced drone enthusiast, understanding the key specifications is crucial.

Technical Features

The Holy Stone F181W boasts a wide array of impressive technical characteristics:

  • Вес: It’s incredibly lightweight (only 163g or 5.7 oz), which makes it portable for travel or outdoor adventures.
  • Камера: The drone integrates a 2.4Ghz camera with FOV120° lens resolution, which ensures high-quality footage at any height or distance.
  • Время полета: With an average flight time of about 10 minutes on a full charge, it allows you to enjoy short but interactive flying sessions.
  • Control range: The control range, at about 50-100 meters distance, provides ample room for outdoor piloting without fear of losing signal.

As compared to other drones within the same price bracket, like the DJI Ryze Tello, the Holy Stone F181W stands out with its high-quality camera and reliable flight time.

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Дизайн и качество сборки

The design and build quality is where this drone truly shows its worth:

  1. Dimensions & Build: Compact in size (305305105 mm), yet robust inbuilt quality, this drone promises durability while imparting an aesthetic appeal.
  2. Аккумулятор: The battery life is pretty decent – supplied by a large capacity 7.6V Li-Po 1500 mAh battery that handles extensive flight sessions quite well.
  3. Remote Control Type: Its game controller-style remote control is easy to maneuver and comfortably fits in your hands.

This Holy Stone F181W gives a professional feel and look, unlike some of its rival drones, for example, the Хубсан Зино Про Плюс.

Unboxing the Holy Stone F181W

The experience of unboxing a new gadget often builds up excitement and offers an initial impression about the product. I’ve been eager to share my personal unboxing experience with the Holy Stone F181W drone.

From meticulously packed elements to some surprising additions, here’s everything that comes with this incredible drone.

содержимое пакета

  • Holy Stone F181W Drone: The star of the show, exceptional in build quality and design.
  • Handheld Remote Control: Game controller-style remote that uses AA batteries (not included).
  • 7.6V Li-Po 1500 mAh Battery: Offers up to 10 minutes of flight time.
  • USB Charger: For efficiently charging your drone’s battery in around 60~90 minutes.
  • Extra Set of Propellers: Always handy in case you need replacements.
  • Screwdriver & propeller crowbars: Tools for maintaining your drone’s components.
  • User Manual, which is easy to read and comprehensive to get you started quickly.

Setting Up The Holy Stone F181W

Having flown many drones in my lifetime, I must confess that the initial setup of a new drone can sometimes be intimidating. Fortunately, that’s not the case with the Holy Stone F181W drone. Quite the contrary, it’s incredibly user-friendly and even perfect for beginners getting their feet wet for the first time in the drone world.


Let’s break down why I believe this is a highly user-friendly and beginner-optimized drone:

  • Guided Setup: Right out of the box, one thing I find delightful about Holy Stone F181W is its guided setup process. It comes with detailed instructions that are easy to follow and understand.
  • Easy Assembly: There’s not much assembly required with this drone, which is always music to my ears. The main body of HS F181W comes already assembled – all you really need to do is attach the propellers, which by itself happens to be pretty straightforward, too!
  • Intuitive Controls: The remote controller reminds me of a higher-end video game controller – something most novice users might find familiar territory! It’s comfortable to hold, intuitive, and offers excellent response times.
  • Flight Modes: This is where Святой камень HS F181W shines; its flight modes are tailored towards beginners and include options like Headless Mode and Altitude Hold.
  • FPV Capability: My favorite aspect of this drone has got to be its First-Person View (FPV) feature that allows me to view real-time HD video feeds right on my smartphone almost seamlessly!
  • Доступная цена: Last but certainly not least – it’s a reasonable introduction to the thrill-filled world of drones without breaking your bank account! Intermediate users or seasoned flyers looking for a casual, fun little booklet will also appreciate its price-to-feature ratio.

One more point, not forgetting to mention, who gets a little anxious about governmental rules and permissions for drone flights due to their droning hobby, Holy Stone F181W will not disappoint you there. It weighs less than 250g, which makes it fall under the FAA’s weight limit that requires drones to be registered. Therefore, you can start flying right away without going through any lengthy bureaucratic process!

Flying Performance

When I think about my flight experiences with the Holy Stone F181W, a sense of thrill engulfs me. It’s hard to forget my first time taking control of this power-packed drone.

Flight Experience

My personal experience flying the Holy Stone F181W was nothing short of extraordinary. Its responsiveness and how it handles even under seemingly challenging conditions leave an impression.

  • Responsiveness: The precision control of the HS F181W left me impressed. I was able to steer it in all directions smoothly, making for some fantastic maneuverability.
  • Wind handling: Even under breezy conditions, I observed that my holy stone HS F181W was stable and yet agile in its movements, thanks to its robust build and well-engineered design.

In my opinion, any drone enthusiast will appreciate this combination of stability and agility that makes up the flight experience of the Holy Stone HS F181W.

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Качество камеры

Speaking on camera quality, I can assuredly say that the holy stone HS F181w is no slouch in this department either! While shooting videos or clicking photographs:

  • Photo Quality: With a FOV120° lens and HD 1920 x 1080P resolution, every picture taken with it exhibits clarity like never before! The colors are vibrant and show great detail, which makes images not just good but impressive.
  • Video Stability: What struck me most was the video footage’s remarkable steadiness despite any maneuvers or movements during flying sessions. This ability is owed to the steady hover function that keeps video recordings looking dynamic yet devoid of shaking effects.

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Pros & Cons of Holy Stone F181W

Having flown the Holy Stone F181W myself, I can say without doubt that it sports a fine blend of standout features and few drawbacks. It’s crucial to address both sides for anyone considering this drone, which I’ve personally tested.

Pros & Cons of Holy Stone F181W


  • Compact and Lightweight: Weighing just 163g or 5.7 oz, the HS F181W is extremely portable and easy to handle.
  • Impressive Camera: With an FOV120° lens and HD 1920 x 1080P video/photo resolution, the HS F181W offers quality aerial footage.
  • Extended FPV Distance: Its extended First Person View distance of 230 feet allows for richly immersive flight experiences.
  • Solid Control Range: The control range boosts between 50-100 meters, promoting better decision-making in mid-flight.


  • Limited Flight Time: The Holy Stone F181W only provides a flight time of approximately 10 minutes, which may seem brief to seasoned pilots.
  • Увеличенное время зарядки: With a charging time of around 60~90 minutes, pilots might need to plan flights accordingly to manage downtime.

It’s also worth noting that the remote control requires AA batteries, which aren’t included with your purchase – a minor inconvenience, perhaps, but something worth knowing ahead of time.

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Рекомендация – кому следует это купить?

As a drone enthusiast, I have to admit that deciding which drone is perfect for you can be a bit of a challenge. The good news is…I’ve been there and done my research! Among the many models available out there, the Holy Stone F181W stands out in many respects.

So, who should buy the Holy Stone F181W? Let’s see:

  • Новички: If you’re new to drones, then Holy Stone F181W is an ideal choice for you. This model isn’t just affordable but is also easy to fly due to its intuitive flight controls.
  • Photographers/Videographers: With an HD 1920 x 1080P resolution camera, this model promises high-quality photos and videos. It’s a perfect fit for emerging photographers and videographers on a budget.
  • Искатели приключений: Do you love outdoor activities? Then this drone may be your best friend! It’s easily portable considering its dimensions at 305305105 mm and lightweight at just 163g/5.7 OZ.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How long does it take to charge a Holy Stone F181W drone battery?

It typically takes between 60 to 90 minutes for the Holy Stone F181W drone battery to charge fully.

Can I connect my smartphone to Holy Stone F181W?

Absolutely! The Holy Stone F181W comes with FPV capability, which allows you to connect it to your smartphone and enjoy real-time video feed.

How easy is it to control the Holy Stone F181W for beginners?

The Holy Stone F181W is designed with beginners in mind. It’s user-friendly and includes features like безголовый режим, making it significantly easy for first-timers to operate.

Does the Holy Stone F181W come with a warranty?

Yes, the Hover Camera includes a limited one-year hardware warranty, ensuring peace of mind during usage. It’s always wise to check out the terms of this agreement!


My experience with the Holy Stone F181W has left quite an impression on me. Despite its lightweight of 163g, this drone’s capabilities far exceeded my expectations. Not only is it easy to carry around, but its dimensions of 305305105 mm make it compact for secure storage as well.

Given the charging time of 60~90 minutes, I found myself impatiently waiting to fly this beauty again and again. The flight time might be just 10 minutes, but that feels like an eternity once you’re soaring in the sky.

Putting the unforgettable flying experience aside, what stood out was the FPV Distance and Flight Distance – at a whopping 230 feet and 328 feet, respectively! The presentation delivered by this beauty is nothing short of remarkable, with a camera frequency of 2.4 GHz and video/photo resolution of HD 1920 x 1080P.

Ричард Дж. Гросс

Привет, меня зовут Ричард Дж. Гросс, я постоянный пилот Airbus и владелец коммерческого бизнеса по производству беспилотников. Я увлекся дронами в 2015 году, когда начал заниматься аэрофотосъемкой для компаний, занимающихся недвижимостью. В то время я понятия не имел, во что ввязываюсь, но оказалось, что вскоре после того, как я начал летать, на меня вызвали полицию. Им не понравилось, что я летаю на своем дроне рядом с людьми, поэтому они попросили меня приехать и обучить их сотрудников правилам и нормам для дронов. После этого я решил открыть свой собственный бизнес по производству дронов и обучать других безопасному и ответственному использованию дронов.

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