Category: Informative

Hi, my name is Richard J. Gross and I’m a full-time Airbus pilot and commercial drone business owner. I got into drones in 2015 when I started doing aerial photography for real estate companies. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time, but it turns out that police were called on me shortly after I started flying. They didn’t like me flying my drone near people, so they asked me to come train their officers on the rules and regulations for drones. After that, I decided to start my own drone business and teach others about the safe and responsible use of drones.
Here are the results.
October 9, 2023
Why and How To Make Drones a Fun Hobby In 2024?

Hey there, welcome to my world of drone flying! I didn’t expect it, but “Make Flying Drones a Fun Hobby” has become more than just an activity for me; it’s practically a lifestyle now! You know that feeling when you launch your first drone into the sky? It’s like being on top of the world, […]

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October 8, 2023
5 Best Drone Flight Simulators: Top Picks 2024

In the fast-paced world of technology, drones have become a staple in various industries, and their popularity is only growing. From professional cinematographers to hobbyists, for many of us, owning a drone is much like having a ticket to the sky. But before we take that flight, it’s crucial that we gain proper handling skills […]

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October 8, 2023
Increase Drone Range Safely and Legally: Expert Tips 2024

The future has arrived, and it’s hovering above us in the form of revolutionary technology– drones. Drone technology has progressed at lightning speed, making obvious leaps in the fields of photography, videography, agriculture, and delivery systems. But if you’re into drone flying or considering it as a new hobby or profession, one key element that […]

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October 7, 2023
Drone Not Connecting to the Controller: Quick Fix Guide

Few things are as frustrating as prepping for an exhilarating afternoon flight with your favorite drone, only to find that the darn thing won’t connect to the controller. It’s as futile as pressing and holding a remote button that simply refuses to switch on the TV and leaves you questioning your sanity in the process. […]

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October 5, 2023
Exploring and Mastering DJI Flight Modes: The Ultimate Guide

Whenever I reflect on my drone flying experiences, the name that invariably pops up is DJI. DJI Flight Modes are like the secret spice mix you add to any dish, making the whole flight operation a lot smoother and easier. They provide different options for controlling your drone according to varying requirements and conditions. Trust […]

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October 3, 2023
Fixing Drone Wobbling: Ultimate Guide for Smooth Flights

Imagine having the perfect set-up outdoors for a flight session, and as your drone ascends into the sky, it begins to wobble uncontrollably. Suddenly, everything that seemed perfect wasn’t quite so. Have you ever been in such a situation? Wondering why your high-tech bird is staggering? Well, I have been there too. Welcome to the […]

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October 3, 2023
Essential Guide to Flying Your Drone in Winter (2024)

As a drone enthusiast, I always seek new and exciting ways to explore the world from above. But when winter rolls around, the chilly weather can often damper my high-flying adventures. However, with a little preparation and know-how, Flying Your Drone in Winter can be as exhilarating and rewarding as it is during any other […]

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October 3, 2023
Decoding Aerial Technology: Drones Hovering Explained (2024)

Drones have taken the world by storm. It seems like they’re in the news almost every day: snapping photos at sporting events, making special deliveries, or helping out search-and-rescue missions. And if you’ve watched them move, you may have wondered: how do these compact machines fly with so much precision and still manage to hover […]

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September 29, 2023
Mastering Your Drone: Essential DJI App Hacks Revealed

Did you recently get your hands on a brand new DJI drone, or maybe you have been a proud owner and fan for a while but aren’t getting the most out of it? Either way, knowing your way around the “DJI App Hacks” can significantly improve your drone-flying experience! Like opening Pandora’s box, I’ve discovered […]

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September 23, 2023
Can You Take a Drone on a Plane: All You Need To Know (2024)

There’s nothing like capturing the perfect aerial view with your drone, whether you are a professional photographer or a hobbyist. But what happens when it’s time to venture across broader boundaries, pack up, and take your drone on a plane? The rules around this can be somewhat hazy, causing anxiety among drone enthusiasts, fearing their […]

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