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Völlig neue Drohnengesetze in Minnesota (Aktualisierung 2024)

von: Richard J. Gross
Aktualisiert am: 2. Januar 2023

Since the release of drones, they have become popular items for people to purchase. People enjoy using drones because they provide a unique perspective that can be seen from nowhere else.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

With this new perspective comes concern over privacy issues and how drones should be used. In Minnesota, there are laws in place to govern how drones can be operated. These laws are important to understand if you are considering purchasing or using a drone in Minnesota.

These laws are in place to ensure that everyone stays safe when using a drone and to protect people’s privacy. In this blog post, we will discuss the drone laws in Minnesota that govern drones and what you need to know if you are considering flying a drone in this state.

General Rules for Drones in Minnesota (2024)

In the state of Minnesota, there are a few different laws that apply to drones and how they can be used.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota
  • Um eine Drohne zu steuern, müssen Sie mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein.
  • You will need to register your drone with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  • Sie erhalten eine Registrierungsnummer, die Sie dann auf Ihrer Drohne markieren müssen.
  • Sie müssen eine Fernpilotenlizenz von der FAA erwerben.
  • Sie müssen die Regeln des kontrollierten Luftraums befolgen.
  • Drohnen dürfen nicht über 400 Fuß des kontrollierten Luftraums fliegen.
  • Außerdem dürfen sie nur bei Tageslicht fliegen.
  • Betreiber sollten stets Abstand zu Flughäfen, Militärstützpunkten und sensiblen Bereichen halten.
  • Drohnen sollten immer in einer Sichtlinie (VLOS) gehalten werden.
  • Drohnen sollten nicht rücksichtslos oder unter Drogen- oder Alkoholeinfluss geflogen werden.
  • It is against the law to fly a drone near government or federal buildings or offices. This is for security reasons, as drones can potentially be used to carry out attacks.
  • You must always give way to manned aircraft when flying your drone. This is to avoid collisions, as drones can cause significant damage to larger aircraft.
  • Sie sollten es vermeiden, über überfüllte Orte oder Menschen zu fliegen, da dies ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen kann.
  • Do not come in the way of emergency and law enforcement activities. If you see these activities taking place, land your drone immediately and do not interfere. 

By following these simple guidelines, drone operators can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Lesen Sie auch: Neue Drohnengesetze in Ohio: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Staying Safe While Flying Your Drone in Minnesota

Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years, but before you take to the skies, it’s important to understand the potential risks.

Flying a drone can be fun and rewarding, but it’s important to take safety seriously. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe while flying your drone:

Read the manual

Every drone is different, so it’s important to read the manual before takeoff. Familiarize yourself with the controls and make sure you understand how the drone works.

Stay aware of your surroundings

Be aware of your surroundings at all times when flying your drone. Avoid crowds, buildings, and other obstacles. Make sure you have a clear line of sight to your drone at all times.

Don’t fly near airports

It’s important to avoid flying near airports or other controlled airspaces. The last thing you want is for your drone to interfere with an airplane or helicopter.

Follow the rules

There are rules and regulations governing the use of drones in many areas. Make sure you are familiar with these rules and follow them at all times.

Use common sense

Use common sense and good judgment when flying your drone. If something doesn’t feel right, land the drone immediately and investigate. Never put yourself or others in danger to get a great photo or video.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your drone flight is safe and enjoyable.

Lesen Sie auch: Aktualisierte Drohnengesetze in North Carolina: Regeln, Strafen

The Consequences of Breaking Drone Laws in Minnesota

If you break any of the rules that have been mentioned, you could be subject to a number of different penalties.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

Beschlagnahmung einer Drohne

Violating drone laws can result in your drone being seized by authorities. In addition, drones can also be confiscated if they are being used in a way that poses a safety hazard.

For example, flying a drone too close to an airplane could result in the drone being intercepted and seized by the authorities. 


Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be subject to a fine if you break any of the laws. The amount of the fine will be determined by the court.

In addition to the fine, you may also be required to pay restitution to the victim or to the state. The court will determine the amount of restitution that you must pay. If you are unable to pay the fine or restitution, you may be sentenced to jail time.

Zeit im Gefängnis

Breaking the law can have serious consequences, especially if you are sentenced to jail time. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be required to serve your sentence in an MN state prison.

Jail time can be a very difficult experience, but it is important to remember that you are serving your sentence for a reason.

Criminal charges can be imposed

Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be charged with a crime. This is a more serious consequence than a fine or jail time, as it can stay on your record for years to come.

If you are convicted of a crime, you will have a criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life.

A criminal record can make it difficult to find a job, get housing, or obtain a loan. In some cases, it can even prevent you from traveling to certain countries.

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Die Bundesluftfahrtbehörde (FAA)

Die Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is a government agency that oversees and regulates civil aviation in the United States. This includes setting and enforcing safety standards, issuing permits and certificates, and regulating airports.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

The FAA also oversees unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. While drones can be fun recreational devices, they also have a range of commercial applications.

In order to operate a Drohne für kommerzielle Zwecke, you must obtain an FAA exemption or certificate.

FAAs Teil 107

Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) are the rules regulating civil aviation. They are divided into distinct parts, with Part 107 containing the regulations specifically relating to small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones.

In order to operate a drone for any commercial purpose, an operator must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA. The process for obtaining this certificate is relatively simple and only requires passing an initial aeronautical knowledge test at an authorized testing center.

Part 107 also imposes various operational limitations on drones, such as maximum altitude and speed, as well as line-of-sight requirements. These limitations are intended to minimize the risks posed by drones to other aircraft and people on the ground.

In general, Part 107 provides a clear and concise framework for operating drones in a safe and responsible manner.

FAA’s Remote Pilot license

Any drone operator who wants to fly their drone commercially must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This certificate can be obtained by passing an initial aeronautical knowledge test at an authorized testing center.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

After passing the test, drone operators will receive their Remote Pilot Certificate, which is valid for two years. In order to keep their certificate valid, drone operators must complete a recurrent training course every two years. 

Prüfung zum Fernpiloten

The remote pilot exam is a multiple-choice test consisting of a number of questions. After passing the remote pilot exam, drone operators will receive their Remote Pilot Certificate, which is valid for two years.

In order to keep their certificate valid, drone operators must complete a recurrent training course every two years.

Registrieren Sie Ihre Drohne bei der FAA

All drone operators must register their drones with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The registration process is simple and only takes a few minutes.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

You will need to provide your name, address, and email address, as well as the make and model of your drone.

Once you have completed the registration process, you will be given a unique identification number that must be displayed on your drone at all times. There is a small fee for registering your drone, but this is a vital step in helping to ensure the safety of our airspace. 

Your drone registration is valid for three years and must be renewed before it expires. There is no grace period for renewing your registration, so be sure to do so in a timely manner. You can renew your registration online, by mail, or in person at any FAA office.

Die UAS-Kommission

The UAS Commission is a federal government body that is responsible for overseeing the use of drones in the United States. The commission was created in 2016 in response to the growing popularity of drones and the potential risks they pose to safety and security.

The commission is made up of representatives from a variety of federal agencies, including the FAA, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense.

The commission’s main task is to develop and recommend policies and regulations relating to the Einsatz von Drohnen. In addition, the commission also conducts research on drone technology and its applications.

The UAS Commission is an important resource for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in drone technology.

Lesen Sie auch: Drohnengesetze in Norwegen: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

No Drone Zones in Minnesota

A No Drone Zone is a designated area where drones are prohibited. These zones are typically established near airports, military bases, and other sensitive locations.

Drohnengesetze in Minnesota

The purpose of a No Drone Zone is to protect the safety of aircraft, personnel, and property. Violators of a No Drone Zone may be subject to civil or criminal penalties.

In some cases, drone operators may also have their drones confiscated. No Drone Zones are becoming increasingly common as the popularity of drones continues to grow.

As more people purchase drones for personal use, it is important to be aware of these zones and to refrain from flying in them. By following the rules of a No Drone Zone, you can help to keep everyone safe.


Are drones legal in Minnesota?

Yes, drones are legal in Minnesota. All drone operators must abide by FAA regulations and register their drones with the FAA before flying them. In addition, all pilots must also obtain a remote pilot certificate from the FAA in order to fly legally.

Can I fly my drone at night?

No, you cannot legally fly your drone at night. The FAA has designated nighttime hours between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise as “no drone zones.”

Brauche ich eine Versicherung für meine Drohne?

It is strongly suggested that all drone pilots obtain liability insurance for their drones. This will protect you from financial losses in the event of an accident or if your drone is damaged or lost during a flight.


Drones are an increasingly popular piece of technology, and as such, it is important for drone operators to be aware of the laws that apply to them. Following these simple guidelines can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

If you break any of the laws that have been mentioned in this article, you could face a range of penalties, from fines to jail time. It is important to make sure that you understand the local laws and regulations concerning drones before you fly one.

By being aware of your local laws and regulations regarding drones and by following these guidelines, you can help promote a safe environment for yourself and other drone users.

So make sure to always stay up-to-date on the latest drone laws and regulations. Thanks for reading, and we hope this article helped you. Feel free to comment and share.

Richard J. Gross

Hallo, mein Name ist Richard J. Gross und ich bin Vollzeit-Airbus-Pilot und Inhaber eines kommerziellen Drohnengeschäfts. Ich habe 2015 mit Drohnen angefangen, als ich anfing, Luftaufnahmen für Immobilienunternehmen zu machen. Damals hatte ich keine Ahnung, worauf ich mich einließ, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die Polizei auf mich aufmerksam wurde, kurz nachdem ich mit dem Fliegen begonnen hatte. Sie wollten nicht, dass ich mit meiner Drohne in der Nähe von Menschen fliege, also baten sie mich, ihre Beamten in den Regeln und Vorschriften für Drohnen zu schulen. Daraufhin beschloss ich, mein eigenes Drohnenunternehmen zu gründen und andere über den sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Drohnen zu unterrichten.

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