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Drone Leyes en Virginia, Normas, Sanciones (Actualizado 2023)

Por: Richard J. Gross
Actualizado el: 12 de diciembre de 2022

In recent years, the use of drones has become increasingly popular, and Virginia is no exception. Drones can be used for a variety of purposes, including photography, videography, and even delivery.

Legislación sobre drones en Virginia

However, the use of drones is not without its controversies. There are concerns about privacy and safety, as well as the potential for misuse. Despite these concerns, drone use continues to grow in Virginia, and it is likely that their presence will only become more prevalent in the years to come.

As drone technology becomes more popular and accessible, states are beginning to create laws regulating how and where drones can be used. Virginia is no exception, with a number of drone-related laws taking effect. This article will summarize the key provisions of drone laws in Virginia.

General Drone Laws in Virginia (2024)

Here are some general sets of laws to keep in mind when flying a drone in Virginia:

General Drone Laws in Virginia
  • Debes registrar tu dron con la FAA.
  • Drones are not allowed to fly above 400 feet.
  • Drones are not allowed to fly near airports or helipads.
  • Drones must stay within the visual line of sight of the operator at all times.
  • Drones are not allowed to fly over crowds of people.
  • Operators must yield the right of way to manned aircraft.
  • You must be 16 years old to fly a drone.
  • No se interponga en el camino de las actividades policiales y de emergencia.
  • You must obtain a remote pilot’s license.
  • It is illegal to fly a drone near military bases and critical infrastructures like power plants.
  • It is illegal to fly a drone near correction and prison facilities.
  • The operator must not fly a drone under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
  • Operators must comply with FAA’s regulations.
  • Do not fly your drone near government and federal offices or buildings.
  • No lo haga vuela tu dron por la noche without proper permission from authorities.

Keeping these rules in mind, you can save yourself from any penalties or troubles and can fly your drone without any hassle.

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Penalties For Breaking Drone Laws in Virginia

If an operator breaks any of Virginia’s drone laws, they may be subject to a number of penalties. These can include fines, jail time, or both. The specific penalties will depend on the nature of the offense and any prior offenses.

Penalties for Breaking Drone Laws in Virginia

Loss of your drone

If you are caught breaking any of Virginia’s drone laws, you may have your drone confiscated by law enforcement. This can be a significant financial penalty, as los drones pueden ser caros. In some cases, you may also have to pay a fine.

Tiempo en prisión

In some cases, you may also be subject to jail time for breaking Virginia’s drone laws. The specific penalties will depend on the nature of the offense and any prior offenses.


If you are found to be breaking any of Virginia’s drone laws, you may be subject to a fine. The amount of the fine will depend on the nature of the offense and can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Cancelación de Licencia

Su licencia de drones may be canceled if you are found to be breaking any of the drone laws. This can make it difficult or impossible to operate a drone in Virginia in the future.

The best way to avoid any penalties is to familiarize yourself with the drone laws in Virginia and to always fly your drone safely and responsibly.

La Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency responsible for regulating drone use in the United States. Since the FAA began regulating drones, it has issued a number of rules and regulations governing their use.

For example, the FAA requires that all drones be registered with the agency, and operators must obtain a special license if they want to fly their drones for commercial purposes.

In addition, the FAA has established a number of restrictions on where and how drones can be flown. For instance, drones are not allowed to fly over populated areas or near airports.

Failure to comply with these rules can result in stiff penalties, including fines and jail time. As the use of drones continues to grow, the FAA is likely to issue additional rules and regulations governing their use.

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FAA’s Rulebook for Drones

The FAA has created a set of rules and regulations governing the use of drones, which are collected in the agency’s Rulebook for drones. These rules cover a wide range of topics, including registration, licensing, and where and how drones can be flown.

The Rulebook is regularly updated as the FAA issues new rules and regulations. The best way to stay up-to-date on the latest drone laws and regulations is to check the FAA’s website regularly.

Regulaciones de la Parte 107 de la FAA

Part 107 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) is the section that governs the operation of small drones in the United States. Under Part 107, drones must be operated in a manner that does not pose a hazard to other aircraft, people, or property.

Operators must also maintain visual line-of-sight (VLOS) with their drones at all times, and they are not permitted to fly over crowds of people.

In addition, Part 107 imposes strict limitations on night flying and flying in controlled airspace. In order to operate a drone under Part 107, operators must obtain a remote pilot certificate from the FAA.

The certificate requires operators to pass a written exam. Obtaining a remote pilot certificate is a relatively simple process, and it allows drone operators to legally fly their drones in most situations.

Lea también: Declaración de la FAA sobre el requisito de GPS para identificación remota

Examen Parte 107 de la FAA

To become a licensed dron comercial pilot in the U.S., you must pass the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Part 107 exam.

You will have two hours to complete the exam, and you must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass. The exam is not open-book, so it is important to study ahead of time.

Licencia de piloto remoto

Once you have passed the Part 107 exam, you will be able to apply for a commercial drone license. This will allow you to fly drones for business purposes.

With a license, you could start your own fotografía con drones business or work as a drone operator for another company. Whether you’re looking to start your own business or just want to fly drones for fun, passing the Part 107 exam is the first step.

Registering your drone with the FAA

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, all drones that weigh more than 0.55 pounds must be registered with the agency. The process is simple and only takes a few minutes.

First, you’ll need to create an account on the FAA’s registration website. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to enter your contact information and select a registration category.

There are three categories: personal use, commercial use, and model aircraft. After you’ve selected a category, you’ll be asked to pay a $5 registration fee. Once your payment has been processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email that includes your registration number.

You’ll need to display this number on the outside of your drone so that it can be easily identified if it’s lost or stolen. Registration is valid for three years and can be renewed online. By taking the time to register your drone, you’ll help to ensure that the skies stay safe for everyone.

Lea también: FAA Remote ID NPRM- ¿Qué dice?

No Drone Zone

A no-drone zone is an area where drones are not allowed to fly. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as to protect wildlife or to prevent interference with airplane traffic.

No drone zones are typically marked on a map, and drones are not permitted to enter these areas. This helps to ensure that drones do not cause any harm or disruption in these sensitive areas.

In some cases, drones may be allowed to fly in a no-drone zone if they have special permission from the authorities. However, this is typically only granted for purposes such as research or safety.

No drone zones help to keep people and animals safe, and they are an important part of drone regulation.

How to know about No Drone zones?

There are a few ways to find out if an area is a no-drone zone. The easiest way is to check the website of the fabricante de drones. Many drone manufacturers have lists of no-drone zones on their websites.

Another way to find out if an area is a no-drone zone is to contact the local authorities. They should be able to tell you if there are any restrictions on drone use in the area. 

B4Ufly app by the FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration’s B4Ufly app is designed to help drone pilots avoid flying in restricted areas. The app provides users with up-to-date information on temporary flight restrictions, so they can plan their flights accordingly.

The app also offers a variety of other features, including a map of nearby airports and helipads, a directory of contact information for local authorities, and a list of frequently asked questions. B4Ufly is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

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La comisión UAS

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Commission was created to study the use of drones in the United States. The commission is made up of experts on law, aviation, and technology, and it is tasked with exploring the potential benefits and risks of drone use.

So far, the commission has released a number of recommendations, including guidelines for how drones should be operated and registered.

The commission has also called for more research on the impact of drones on privacy and public safety. As drone technology continues to evolve, the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Commission will play an important role in shaping the future of drone use in the United States.

Are Drones legal in Virginia?

The use of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has become increasingly popular in recent years, with a wide range of applications, from photography to packaging delivery. However, the legality of drone use is still somewhat of a gray area, and different states have different regulations.

In Virginia, for example, drones are legal for personal use, but there are some restrictions on commercial use. For instance, drone operators must obtain a license from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and they are not permitted to fly in certain areas, such as near airports or military bases.

Additionally, Virginia has enacted several laws that specifically relate to drone use, such as a ban on using drones for hunting. As a result, anyone operating a drone in Virginia should be familiar with the state’s laws and regulations.


While the use of drones is still somewhat in its infancy, it is clear that there are a variety of potential applications for them. As drone technology continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, it will be interesting to see how the law catches up and what new regulations are put in place.

In the meantime, anyone considering using a drone should familiarize themselves with the relevant state laws. Hope this article helped in getting an overview of general drone laws. Feel free to comment and share.

Richard J. Gross

Hola, me llamo Richard J. Gross y soy piloto de Airbus a tiempo completo y propietario de un negocio de drones comerciales. Me inicié en el mundo de los drones en 2015, cuando empecé a hacer fotografía aérea para empresas inmobiliarias. En aquel momento no tenía ni idea de dónde me estaba metiendo, pero resulta que llamaron a la policía poco después de empezar a volar. No les gustaba que volara con mi dron cerca de la gente, así que me pidieron que fuera a formar a sus agentes sobre las normas y regulaciones de los drones. Después de eso, decidí montar mi propio negocio de drones y enseñar a otros el uso seguro y responsable de los drones.

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