Category: Drones By Features

Hi, my name is Richard J. Gross and I’m a full-time Airbus pilot and commercial drone business owner. I got into drones in 2015 when I started doing aerial photography for real estate companies. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time, but it turns out that police were called on me shortly after I started flying. They didn’t like me flying my drone near people, so they asked me to come train their officers on the rules and regulations for drones. After that, I decided to start my own drone business and teach others about the safe and responsible use of drones.
Here are the results.
October 18, 2023
Top 8 Best Silent Drones of 2024

Are you tired of drones that buzz like a swarm of bees every time they take off? Well, it looks like technology has finally caught up with your needs. Welcome to the world of silent drones! Just imagine having a gadget that could zip through your neighborhood or soar through the skies without causing any […]

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September 7, 2023
5 Best Return to Home Drones For 2024: Top Picks

Have you ever watched your drone’s battery drain away, helpless as you realize that it won’t make it back to you before powering down? Maybe your drone disappeared behind thick foliage, and maneuvering around the trees to get a clear view has become an unwinnable game of hide-and-seek. Even experienced pilots find themselves in these […]

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April 28, 2023
10 Best VR Drones in 2024: Immerse Yourself in Flight!

As a seasoned pilot and drone enthusiast, diving into the realm of VR drones has been an exhilarating journey. In my experience, the right drone can elevate your aerial photography game to unimaginable heights, offering a fusion of thrill and precision that’s hard to beat. That’s why I’ve put together this vital guide showcasing the […]

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January 18, 2022
Discover 10 Best Headless Mode Drones for 2024!

As a full-time Airbus pilot and commercial drone business owner, I’ve flown my share of drones, and let me tell you, the allure of headless mode drones is real. If you’re on the hunt for a drone that kicks complexity to the curb, making your flying experience as smooth as silk, then this guide on […]

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November 17, 2021
Top 8 Drones Without Geofencing in July 2024 | Updated List

As someone who’s seen firsthand the evolution of drone technology and regulations, I know how liberating it can be to fly without restraints. Geofencing, a virtual boundary in place by software, can sometimes clip a drone enthusiast’s wings. But what if you could soar without those digital fences holding you back? That’s exactly why finding […]

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