Category: How To Guide

Hi, my name is Richard J. Gross and I’m a full-time Airbus pilot and commercial drone business owner. I got into drones in 2015 when I started doing aerial photography for real estate companies. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time, but it turns out that police were called on me shortly after I started flying. They didn’t like me flying my drone near people, so they asked me to come train their officers on the rules and regulations for drones. After that, I decided to start my own drone business and teach others about the safe and responsible use of drones.
Here are the results.
March 19, 2022
How To Fly A Drone At Night In USA? | FAA Guidelines (2024)

Flying a drone at night can be fun, but it’s essential to know the rules before you take off. This blog post will discuss the regulations that apply to fly drones at night. We will also provide some tips to fly a drone at night safely. So whether you’re a commercial pilot or just looking […]

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November 20, 2021
How to Find a Lost Drone? New & Easiest Methods (2024)

A drone is a great tool to capture photos and video from the sky. However, if you lose it or it gets stolen, your problems may not end there. Drone operators need permission to fly in many locations such as airports and stadiums, so don’t be surprised when local law enforcement asks you what’s up […]

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November 19, 2021
How to Reset a Drone? Best & Easiest Method (July 2024)

How to reset a drone? Resetting a drone is a widespread problem for new drone flyers. There are numerous reasons to reset a drone, including crashes, flyways, or remote control malfunctions. The most common reason behind resetting drones is to reset the drone factory settings is when the drone does not work as expected. Another […]

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September 23, 2021
How To Spot a Drone at Night? 11 Different Methods To Use In 2024

Drones are becoming increasingly popular for various purposes, from aerial photography to recreational flying. Yet, spotting a drone at night can be a real challenge as drones can be smaller than a human hand or as big as a vehicle. This is why it’s important to know how to spot a drone at night because […]

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